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As you may have heard, 350 Sacramento is moving towards a process of elections for board positions starting this year.

  1. Each year, in September, the board members up for re-election and the number of open seats will be announced via Basecamp.
  2. Those who wish to join or rejoin the board will complete an application, which will be used to gather candidate statements.
  3. The current board members not up for re-election will review the applications and have the authority to remove candidates from the race if it is determined by a majority vote that the candidate is not fit for the position.
  4. After review, these candidate statements will be made available via Basecamp. Those active on Basecamp will be able to review candidate statements and then vote either “yes” or “no” on candidates. The candidates with the most “yes” votes will join the board.

Board of Directors Application: Applications are due on September 30!

Board members will have two-year terms with no term limits. The board meets every 4th Monday of the month from 6 PM to 7 PM. Board members will be responsible for an initiative on the board and are expected to commit about 10 hours to board work per month.

According to our bylaws, there are 11 seats on the board. This year, 3 board members will resign and 3 board members will remain on the board and will resign or run for reelection next year. That means that there are 8 available seats for which anyone can apply and run! We are specifically looking for a Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

We encourage anyone interested to run! We need people from all backgrounds and walks of life to join our board. You don’t have to be a climate scientist or an expert on board operations to run. If you know of anyone whom you think could strengthen our board, please feel free to share this opportunity with your network.

Informational Session

We will be hosting an info session on September 14th from 6 PM to 7 PM. If you have any questions about the application or process, please attend.

Here is the Zoom link:

Please reach out to Ella Morrison at with any questions, comments or concerns!