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As a member of the County’s CAP Stakeholder’s Group, 350 Sacramento recently commented on an administrative (in-house) draft of the CAP. Our comments are here, and the admin draft itself is here. This initial draft was disappointing. Notably, it does NOT

  • reflect Climate Emergency Declaration (CED) direction, including the 2030 carbon-neutral target;
  • review existing land use policies which facilitate “leapfrog” development and associated high VMT/GHG emissions;
  • keep carbon-offset money local;
  • ensure that mitigation measures are credible and CEQA-compliant (feasible, enforceable, funded, scheduled);
  • provide public involvement consistent w CED direction and at least equal to other County plans;
  • and, the CAP inappropriately relies on SMUD meeting its 2030 carbon-zero goal, without justification.

County staff has informally indicated that they are unhappy with the consultant’s product. We hope the next draft, to be distributed in February for public review, will be a major improvement. We will also review that public draft and expect to provide further, more detailed comments. As always, your comments are welcome. 

Written by Oscar B.