DIY Air Filters Workshop Series

Graphic promoting event that says: Keep you and your family safe during wildfire season. Clean airis important, especially during wildfire season. Please join us for a workshop on how to build your own airfilter using just a few simple materials. All materials will be provided for free. The airfilter you build during the workshop is yours to take home. Filters should be replaced once they become dirty, usually every 1-2 months. Priority for workshop registration is given to individuals with low income, expecting mothers, children, seniors, and those with medical conditions.


Hello! Please join 350 Sacramento on August 6th to learn how to build your own air filter, and keep you and your family safe during wildfire season! All materials and training will be provided for free.

If you are interested, please sign up here: This form will provide you with time and  location. Please note that space is limited, and please wear a mask so that we can keep our community safe!

If you have any questions, contact


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