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Partners & Sponsors

Our Partners in Climate Action

No person is an island, and no single organization is going to solve the climate crisis on its own. We work closely with our community partners to make a difference in the best possible way – together.

350 Bay Area

350 Bay Area

350 Network Council

350 Network Council



California Alliance for Community Composting (CACC)

California Alliance for Community Composting (CACC)

California Native Plant Society (CNPS)

California Native Plant Society (CNPS)

Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative (CRCRC)

Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative (CRCRC)

CapRadio (Capital Public Radio)

CapRadio (Capital Public Radio)

Citizens’ Climate Lobby Sacramento – Roseville Chapter

Citizens’ Climate Lobby Sacramento – Roseville Chapter

Climate Plan

Climate Plan

Climate Reality Project

Climate Reality Project

Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS)

Environmental Council of Sacramento (ECOS)

Extinction Rebellion Sacramento

Extinction Rebellion Sacramento

Farm Fresh To You

Farm Fresh To You

Fridays for Future

Fridays for Future

Fridays for Future Sacramento

Fridays for Future Sacramento

IOBY (In Our Back Yard)

IOBY (In Our Back Yard)

Lucid Winery

Lucid Winery

Nugget Markets

Nugget Markets

Oil and Gas Action Network

Oil and Gas Action Network

Refugee Enrichment & Development Association

Refugee Enrichment & Development Association

Rewiring America

Rewiring America

SACOG (Sacramento Area Council of Governments)

SACOG (Sacramento Area Council of Governments)

Sacramento Climate Coalition

Sacramento Climate Coalition

Sacramento Climate Reality Project

Sacramento Climate Reality Project

Sacramento Environmental Justice Collaborative Governance Committee (EJCGC)

Sacramento Environmental Justice Collaborative Governance Committee (EJCGC)

Sacramento Natural Food Co-Op

Sacramento Natural Food Co-Op

SAFE Credit Union

SAFE Credit Union

San Diego 350

San Diego 350

Sierra Club Mother Lode Chapter

Sierra Club Mother Lode Chapter

SMUD (Sacramento Municipal Utility District)

SMUD (Sacramento Municipal Utility District)

Soil Born Farms

Soil Born Farms

Sunrise Movement Sacramento

Sunrise Movement Sacramento

The Sacramento Bee

The Sacramento Bee

Third Act

Third Act

Third Act Sacramento

Third Act Sacramento

Three Sisters Gardens

Three Sisters Gardens

United Latinos – Promoviendo Acción Cívica

United Latinos – Promoviendo Acción Cívica