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At a recent CAP stakeholders meeting, Sac County staff advised us they propose to submit the CAP for adoption as an “EIR-Addendum,” meaning the CAP would circumvent normal CEQA review for technical and legal adequacy. EIR addenda are used for minor changes to projects which were previously analyzed under CEQA, when the changes don’t affect the project’s environmental impacts and environmental conditions have not changed. In this case the prior environmental analysis was for the County’s 2011 general plan amendment, ten years ago. We believe use of an EIR Addendum for the CAP is clearly unjustified. Our response, also mentioning several other concerns for the record, is attached here.

One Comment

  • kent lacin says:

    So….this means that the County is trying to make the CAP (which is supposed to be a major roadmap on how we get major GHG reductions by 2030 in Sac County), into a mere ‘footnote’ to an 10-year-old environmental document?? And also, by defining it as an ‘addendum’, the County is saying that , by definition, it should be considered insignificant?? Wow. Not a very good position, after the County wrote a passionate Climate Emergency Document! What gives??