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CAP Team logoTo support 350 Sacramento’s County Climate Action Plan (CAP) advocacy, the CAP Team has prepared “Sacramento County CAP Fact Sheets” for distribution to 350 Sacramento members, the media, County officials, and the public.

The linked fact sheets are:

  • What’s a Climate Action Plan? A CAP is a legally enforceable plan detailing how a jurisdiction will meet California’s climate targets. The Fact Sheet describes the regulatory framework and explains why a bad CAP is worse than none.
  • Promises versus Performance. Sacramento County has a history of deferred and disregarded climate promises. Here are the unhappy specifics.
  • CAP Allows More Sprawl and GHG Pollution. Cars are the biggest GHG source, but the County continues to plan more sprawl, increasing traffic and GHG. The CAP’s weak measures would prevent effective project-level mitigation
  • CAP Needs Environmental Review. Sacramento County Intends to avoid environmental review, evading key legal responsibilities

We’ll update these Fact Sheets as facts on the ground change, and may add others.

Your questions and comments welcome: