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Our Valentine’s Day adventure was a bike ride on Sacramento’s new slow active streets. What a great day with a few bumps in the road that were fun to (tire) iron out. First, Paul had to borrow a bike. We live in cohousing, so that was not difficult to do. (Cohousing allows us to buy less stuff partly because we borrow from each other.)

But then the bike had a blow out. So we looked on Google Maps and the closest bike shop was Addison’s on 23rd and S. What a great and funky (in a good way) place. They were doing appointment only, but Addison loaned Paul a bike stand and tools and sold him a tire and tube so Paul did the work himself. Now we know of a handy and friendly bike repair place.

We finally biked to 26th and K where we saw some other 350 Sac friends – Rick and Ali – and council member Katie Valenzuela. It’s such a thrill to see people in 3D. Got some valentines bubbles and a polaroid photo taken.

Oh yeah, the actual streets part was fun, too. When you can bike side-by-side in the middle of the street, you can actually talk to your valentine while riding.

Written by Megan E.

Additional resources:

  • For our 10th anniversary last year, 350 Sacramento held a panel on Slow Streets: