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Written by Dale S.

Did you know that the Climate Report has been a weekly community radio show for 350 Sacramento for at least 6 years now?

It was started back around 2015 by Steve S., a volunteer who started a 30-minute show with Access Sacramento. Steve needed some help managing recorded shows, so I volunteered to help with computer files, recording, and editing work. I had ideas for simplifying and making more use of mobile and digital tools instead of working in the Access Studio, but quickly learned that Access Sacramento required anyone working with their radio space to get some training. I went through the four weeks of evening classes in their production studio and was ready to go.

Unfortunately, Steve had to step down from handling the Climate Report and the show went off the air for a while as I waited for someone to step in and take over the show. That didn’t happen and I decided to fill that role “temporarily” until someone with more skill appeared.

Why radio? Even the small KUBU community radio station can be reached by several hundred thousand potential listeners in the central city area. Now that the station streams online with a free smartphone app, a global presence is also possible. There isn’t any data available on how many people listen to the show, but it has been a stable part of the growing list of local radio programs. It also gives 350 Sacramento another outlet to be a leading local voice on climate issues.

KUBU will likely expand post-COVID with new leadership coming to Access Sacramento. The podcast format now used makes it easier to produce and share shows as archived programs. It should be possible to do much more with the radio program over time, including an expanded time slot, live listener call-ins, and events.

In order for the show to continue to thrive, we need more volunteers and fresh ideas. There are also opportunities to partner with other local organizations to create regular segments or shared programming. The creative possibilities are as endless as the local talent pool. Will you help give climate action a voice in Sacramento?

For more than five years I’ve been waiting for the next radio producer. Meanwhile, the Climate Report has continued as a weekly show with a mix of local news, calendar items, music and more for at least 266 shows and counting. The show is produced from my home office or on the road when I’m traveling using my iPad or iMac using a portable mic, headphones, and several free or inexpensive software programs. When the 350 Sacramento office can open again, there will be a great workspace for radio work. Meanwhile, the work process I’ve developed has been very handy in the midst of COVID restrictions. I welcome ideas, recorded material, or other forms of volunteer help and  I welcome new volunteers to come on board and take the show to new and better directions… perhaps including expanding it to an hour format.

If you’re interested in contributing to the show, whether that is hosting or doing behind-the-scenes technical or research work, please contact Dale.