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Thank you to everyone who joined our Annual Meeting on April 16! Our teams have made some amazing accomplishments in the last year and will continue to work hard in the coming year. Below are a few highlights from the meeting.

A shout-out to our amazing Volunteers of the Year: Alex Aruj, Oscar Balaguer, Rosie Yacoub, and Roula England! Your dedication and hard work is greatly appreciated.


2021 Big Wins

With the help of all of our amazing volunteers we were able to have some big wins this year, including the approval of the City Electrification Ordinance, passing of the SMUD Carbon Neutral by 2030 plan and training 40 youth volunteers with our SEAT program.

Click here to review each of our individual team accomplishments and goals.

2022 Institutional Goals

With those accomplishments in mind we have quite a few things planned for the remaining year! Here’s a quick summary of our Institutional Goals for 2022.

As always, we are pursuing our overarching goal of reaching Carbon Zero in our region by 2030. We will continue to advocate for stronger climate action plans, educating our youth and community with skills and information through our activist training program, and starting a new air filters project. This year we aim to have several high school and college interns, and host another youth camp for climate action. We will also support divestment campaigns, and efforts to get out the climate vote this election year. 

Streamline communications and volunteer structure.

Our new staff will take charge of establishing regular meetings for our communication, volunteer engagement, and welcoming teams, as well as draft standard operating procedures (SOP)s, guides, communication plans and strategies by the end of June. New staff will be onboarded and will have access to all platforms and systems by May 2022. 

Move towards a more strategic, transparent, and accountable 350 Sacramento based around operating plans.

Each support and campaign-based team shall complete and present their charter (i.e. operating plan) to the board at the April & May Leadership Council meeting. These team goals will be published on the website by June with progress that has already been made. The September Leadership Council meeting will be a check-in for progress on these goals. 350 Sacramento liaisons will also be assigned to coalition and partnership spaces.

Expand our base and reach, resulting in becoming more representative of the Sacramento community.

  • We plan to partner with 10 diverse organizations on the air filters project in 2022 to help identify communities in need and to distribute air filters. 
  • Establish environmental/climate clubs in 4 different High schools. Compensate 8 high school interns to assist in establishing these school clubs in 2022.
  • Expand training and education by bringing SEAT curriculum to the general community through monthly webinars over a year starting in April 2022, which will be recorded and posted on our website.  

Thank you once again for all who attended!