Making an Impact Since 2010
350 Sacramento has been at the forefront of the climate justice movement in Sacramento for more than a decade. Check out some of the milestones, impacts, and victories our community has achieved along the way.
2024 Annual Impact Report
350 Sacramento Impact Timeline
- Next Generation of Climate Leaders. The Student Environmental Activist Training (SEAT) is our signature youth education program that helps students in our community gain the skills and experience they need to pursue academic and professional careers in climate justice. In 2023, we worked with more than 30 participants, 15 of whom went on to become paid interns at 350 Sacramento. Our interns have initiated projects such as the school bus and building electrification plan and the Green Schools Action Coalition (GSAC), an inter-district coalition of students, teachers, and climate activists in the Sacramento area.
- New & Improved Climate Action Plan (CAP). Our Climate Action Plan (CAP) Team has been tenacious in pressuring the County to improve their very flawed CAP that continues to support sprawl development, delays action, and avoids reducing the biggest source of emissions in our region: on-road auto traffic.
- Cleaner, Healthier Indoor Air. Our air filter project – which included construction workshops, DIY kit distribution, and community awareness events – has brought air filters to more than 600 local households in areas that are most affected by pollution. Residents are using these filters to help protect their homes, health, and families by improving indoor air quality.
- Grew our staff from 1 to 4 dedicated part-time team members to support your volunteer leadership!
- Distributed 300 free DIY air filters to our community, especially our neighbors with low income and those who suffer from respiratory health conditions.
- Trained 20 youth at our Summer Camp for Climate Action program focused on environmental justice and grassroots organizing skills.
- We are also mentoring 7 AmeriCorps fellows through next year.
- Our Climate Action Plan (CAP) Team has been tenacious in pressuring the County to improve their very flawed CAP that continues to support sprawl development, delays action, and avoids reducing the biggest source of emissions in our region: transportation. We succeeded in stopping the County from adopting it, and the battle for a good CAP continues. We are engaging with the City of Sacramento’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP) to ensure its actions meet the scale of the climate crisis.
- Our volunteers made calls, wrote letters, and met with our state legislators to pass SB 1137, which ends the uniquely Californian practice of drilling for oil and gas right in people’s backyards— this is the most impactful law for environmental justice in recent history.
- We were a key member of the Measure A NOT OK coalition, which defeated the harmful sprawl-inducing, freeway-building, climate-busting sales tax measure in Sacramento County. Their campaign spent $4 Million dollars, ours had about $6,000, but we had the grit and determination of our community!
- We represent a coalition of volunteers and businesses through Sacramento Reduces Waste—a local movement encouraging businesses and individuals to reduce or eliminate single-use packaging.
- We continue to monitor and engage in the implementation of last year’s huge wins: SMUD (our electric utility) Zero Carbon by 2030 plan and the City’s electrification ordinance which requires all new buildings to be all-electric.
- We have teams working to implement the Mayors’ Climate Commission recommendations and advocate for climate-friendly State legislation. We also host community-building friendly events like climate coffees, a weekly radio show, movies, community presentations, and are a founding member of the Sacramento Environmental Justice Coalition.
- SMUD approves 2030 Zero Carbon Plan, the Most ambitious carbon reduction plan by a large utility in the nation
- City of Sacramento passes new buildings electrification ordinance
- Completion of the first cohort of the Student Environmental Activist Training Program
- Major Accomplishments
- Mayors’ Commission on Climate Change report
- County Climate Action Plan
- Climate Emergency Resolutions—SMUD and Sacramento County
- Hired Moiz Mir, our first staff person
- 10th Anniversary!!
- Special Events
- Sac County Board of Supervisors Candidate Forum
- Stand Up for Teachers’ Pensions and Youth’s Future march and rally
- Grief, Love, & Hope in the Climate Crisis
- Voices of Color for Climate Action open mic
- Electrify Your Home to Decarbonize Sacramento
- What’s Up with SMUD?
- Grief, Fear, & Hope in the Corona and Climate Crises
- Learning to Fight the Climate Crisis & followup meeting—by Susan Schneider
- Reclaiming Connection, Backing Frontline Leadership
- The Coronavirus is Rewriting Our Imaginations—presentation by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Time to Electrify Sacramento
- Nonprofit Mini-Pitch Competition by Rotary Club
- Building Equity into Climate Action: Sacramento County CAP Forum
- Trainings & Organizational Activities
- Volunteer Orientation
- Office Visits 101
- Basecamp 101
- Volunteer Power Hour
- General Meetings
- Events & Activities
- Organized Community Forum: Fast Track to Carbon Zero
- Climate Cafe Pizza Party for youth
- Youth Camp for Climate Action
- Strike for Climate: Mar 16, May 24, Aug 4, Sept 20, Nov 29
- Climate Chorus Patio Party
- Reach Code Campaign
- SMUD Engagement for 100% Renewable Energy
- Climate Emergency Declaration
- Language Academy Anti-Idling Campaign
- Strategic Planning
- May is Bike Month bike team
- Voices of Color for the Climate Open Mic
- Global Week of Action w/Art Build
- Sacramento Transportation Authority Ballot Measure Hearings
- Tour of Sacramento Recycling Center
- Fossil Free CA CalPERS and CalSTRS events
- Engaged with Sac General Plan/Climate Action Plan
- Sponsored Greening Black Churches
- Grid Alternative Work Day
- Representation/Honors
- Physicians for Social Responsibility High School Essay Contest judge
- Capital Region Collaborative Steering Committee
- Mayors’ Commission on Climate Change (participated as Commissioner, on Technical Advisory Committees, gave public input, youth summits)
- Ilonka Zlatar, 350 Sac boardmember, chosen as 2019 Environmentalist of the Year
- Workshops/Meetings/Trainings
- How to be an Environmental Jsutice Ally workshop
- Green New Deal Watch Party
- Green New Deal Town Hall
- Volunteer Orientations
- Phone Banking
- Debate Watch Parties
- SMUD staff presentations to 350 Sacramento
- Speaking with Electred Officials training
- Basecamp 101
- Presentations/Hearings
- March for Science (Ilonka)
- Climate Change Compact of Yolo Co (Laurie)
- Climate Sangha (Laurie)
- United Nations Association (Kate)
- Kiwanis (Laurie)
- CA Dept of Water Resources (Laurie)
- ECOS (Laurie)
- Beth Shalom (Laurie
- CEC re solar shares
- BECC Conference (Elli)
- Environmental Justice Element
- SMUD meetings
- Sacramento Transit Authority testimony
- Tabling/Demonstrations/Support
- Women’s March sponsor
- MLK This Was Not the Dream march
- Earth Day at Southside Park sponsor
- March for Science sponsor
- Dave Matthews Band (tabled)
- Close the Camps protest
- Day of Action for SB54/AB1080
- Call to Action Against White Supremacy
- Fundraisers
- Big Day of Giving
- Cold Beer for a Hot Planet
- Fundraiser at Drakes
- Annual Appeal
- Grants
- Clean Air Partnership
- Rose Foundation
- Patagonia
- Movies
- An Inconvenient Sequel
- The Reluctant Radical
- The Burden
- Cowspiracy
- Living the Change
- Paris to Pittsburg
- Motherload
- …. and more
- Supported SB 100 (PASSED), SB 1000, SB 964
- Participated in numerous agency hearings
- Supported Climate Emergency Declaration
- Became a member of Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative, ECOS, and Impact Foundry
- Signed numerous letters in support of various local and statewide actions
- Met with various decision-makers: Sacramento City staff, SMUD CEO, Elk Grove Vice-Mayor, County Supervisors, County CAP planners, etc.
- Organized, co-organized, and participated in various events:
- Climate Conversation panel for United Nations Association
- Fossil Free Watch Party
- Plant for the Planet
- Todd Litman presentation on Sustainable Community Planning
- Ode to Earth
- Cold Beer for a Hot Planet
- Art build for the Rise for Climate, Jobs, and Justice march (sent 3 buses to SF)
- Screenings for Chasing Coral, An Inconvenient Sequel, Catching the Sun
- ECO panel on “How does the Sacramento region plan to deal with climate change?”
- Sacramento LAFCo hearing to stop sprawl (listen to The Climate Report’s coverage here)
- Brown’s Last Chance events
- Elk Grove Climate Action Plan
- “How to be an Environmental Justice Ally” workshop series
- No on Prop 6 campaign
- Trick v. Treat rally in support of Juliana v. US court case
- Laurie Litman, 350 Sac president, appointed to Mayor’s Commission on Climate Change (including Commissioner Speaker at Green Forum)
- Volunteer Appreciation Potluck
- Panel at Cleaner Air Partnership
- Town Hall / Community Forum
- Women’s March, March for Our Lives, March for Science, Poor People’s Campaign, Earth Day, MIBM, Families Belong Together rally, Reclaim MLK: This Was Not the Dream march
2017 Impacts
2016 Impacts
- Sacramento honored as Climate Leaders in Cool California Challenge
- 350 Sacramento volunteer Dale Steele begins Weekly Radio Show
- 350 Sacramento begins formalizing organizational structure; received 501c3 non-profit status.
- Awarded the Rose Foundation Grant
- Laurie Litman, 350 Sac president, received 2014 Environmentalist of the Year Award for climate work
- Organized, co-organized, and participated in various events:
- Jason Barbose of Union of Concerned Scientists event – “Half the Oil: Fueling a Clean Transportation Future”
- This Changes Everything, by Naomi Klein, book group
- Screening of This Changes Everything
- Earth Day events
- Cold Beer for a Hot Planet
- EcoHome Tours
- Oil Train protests and other actions
- Encyclical Study Group and Presentation
- Global Climate Convergence
- Plan for Paris Workshop
- 5th Anniversary Potluck
- Fossil Free CA actions
- Naughty or Nice rally (with the Grinch!)
- Rallied CalSTRS and CalPERS to divest from fossil fuels
- Held Town Hall on Climate Change: Creating Our Future, resulting in the formation of various work groups focusing on items including but not limited to: oil trains and divestment, artificial turf impacts, making Sacramento a carbon neutral model city, transitioning to more sustainable behavior, youth-centered work.
- Worked on SB 350 and SB 185
- Organized Garth Lenz event on Alberta Tar Sands – “The True Cost of Oil”
- Participated in the Keystone XL protest in San Francisco
- Participated in Sacramento Sustainability Forum
- Participated in City Planning Academy
- Started developing a social media presence and began establishing relationships with the city and other organizations
- Participated as a team for May is Bike Month (MIBM)
- Applied for 501(c)3 non-profit status
2012 Impacts
- 350 Sacramento and City of Sacramento introduced the Cool CA Challenge
- Helped with Cut Your Cubes event, including a Scavenger Hunt.
- Developed relationships with City of Sacramento staff and with UC Berkeley Renewable & Appropriate Energy Laboratory
- Organized Connect the Dots event at American River
- Participated in City of Sacramento Climate Action Plan public workshop
2011 Impacts
- Organized and participated in Moving Planet events
2010 Impacts
- Martha Turner and Laurie Litman reached out and organized potlucks to find people to participate in’s 10-10-10 day of action
- Had over 12 actions registered for the Global Day of Action on 10-10-10
- A handful of activists formed 350 Sacramento in Nov or Dec 2010
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