Are You A Fossil-Fuel Addict? Would You Like to Get Clean?

I breathe air containing exhaust & fumesWe breathe clean air
I drink water containing chlorine, fluoride,
traces of antibiotics, birth control pills, etc.
We drink spring water at the spring; our garden
drinks water from the pond and cistern
I eat food from mono-crop, fossil-fuel agri-
culture, grown in soil that’s full of artificial
fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides
We grow our own food using permaculture
by creating a complete mini-ecology
and living off the real interest
I live in a big tightly insulated house with a
big computer-controlled furnace/air-
conditioner, a big hot water heater,
a big refrigerator, 3 ovens, a dishwasher,
and a big green lawn
We live in a small passive solar house,
with solar hot water, and a stove+furnace,
a cold pantry and a solar food dryer

We have herbs, vegetables, chicken, fish, goats,
and an orchard within the windbreak
I have a master bath with a low-flush toilet,
2 sinks, a shower and a Jacuzzi
We have two alternating composting privies,
an outdoor shower and a kitchen sink
I have an expensive computer-controlled,
energy-efficient washer and dryer
We wash our clothes in a pedal powered washer
(sending graywater to the garden) and dry them
on a clothesline
I have a widescreen plasma TV, a CD unit,
a few other computers and video games
We have a laptop powered by PV panels
and lots of books and board games
I drive a hybrid SUV and an EV
Sometimes I take the bus or the train
We ride regular bicycles, a 3-wheeler for cargo,
or walk, ride our pony cart, or just stay home
I buy my clothes and housewares at the mall We spin, weave, sew and shop at the thrift store
I work out at the gym to stay in shape We get plenty of exercise
I have to watch my diet to prevent diabetesWe feel nourished by the food we grow
I feel stressed because I have to work lots
of overtime so I can pay all my bills
and send my kids to a good college
We get plenty of sleep after a day of work and
play with our family and neighbors
I’m worried about the crime rate while
I’m at the office in my cubicle
Our village is never empty
I have to drive a long way for a vacation We don’t need a vacation—we live in Eden
I’m depressed and afraid of the future We feel contented and economically secure

But how to make the change? What about relapses?

Well, start by absorbing the deeper layer that's underneath the lists above. If Einstein was right in saying that a problem can't be solved by the same mentality that created it, then changing our view of the world is a good place to start.

Second, don't give up. Carbon relapses imply that some carbon dioxide that could have been formed and emitted was avoided. Respect the power of No; its discipline sharpens wisdom.

Written by Muriel S. via Paradigm Shift For Life

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