General Meeting (Virtual)

Join us for our first virtual general meeting!! Catch up with 350 Sacramento’s current campaigns, discuss how current events may change our efforts, and help us dream up some virtual actions to engage our online community and continue to push for a better, healthier community and environment from our policymakers. 6:00–7:30 pm. GoToMeeting:, enter code: 322-653-701. We recommend video so we can see one another and feel less isolated (but you can also dial-in: +1 (646) 749-3122). All are welcome! Kate

2020-04-10 04:00 2020-04-10 05:30 America/Los_Angeles General Meeting (Virtual)

Join us for our first virtual general meeting!! Catch up with 350 Sacramento’s current campaigns, discuss how current events may change our efforts, and help us dream up some virtual actions to engage our online community and continue to push for a better, healthier community and environment from our policymakers. 6:00–7:30 pm. GoToMeeting:, enter code: 322-653-701. We recommend […]