Tropical Forest Showdown

Public hearing on the California Tropical Forest Standard (TFS), which could allow companies to emit more global warming gases ostensibly to save the Amazon. Come to the hearing to oppose the TFS. 9 am (could possible continue on Sept 20 at 8:30 am)


CalEPA, 1001 I St. Sunflower Alliance.

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2019-09-19 09:00 2019-09-19 09:00 America/Los_Angeles Tropical Forest Showdown

Public hearing on the California Tropical Forest Standard (TFS), which could allow companies to emit more global warming gases ostensibly to save the Amazon. Come to the hearing to oppose the TFS. 9 am (could possible continue on Sept 20 at 8:30 am) LOCATION CalEPA, 1001 I St. Sunflower Alliance. More Information