Climate Action Plan Team
The Climate Action Plan Team (CAP Team) is committed to accelerating the transition to a sustainable future in the Sacramento region by requiring local government to adopt Climate Action Plans that exhibit leadership toward limiting warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius.
What's the problem?
Climate Action Plans done without citizen engagement typically meet only minimum requirements and lack follow-through. Once a CAP is adopted, subsequent development projects need only comply with its measures, no matter how weak, without any further greenhouse gas analysis. For this reason, a weak CAP is worse than none.
What have we accomplished?
- Worked with coalition partners ECOS, Sierra Club, and Citizens’ Climate Lobby in advocating for a strong CAP.
- Prior to CAP initiation, published an extensive set of recommendations for inclusion in a future County CAP.
- In 2020, successfully lobbied Supervisors to begin the development of the CAP, which the County promised in 2011 to adopt “within one year.”
- Reviewed and formally commented on multiple draft CAPs, documenting specific legal and technical defects.
- Reviewed and formally commented on annual general plan reports and budget proposals, advocating for CAP-related measures and budgeting.
- Met repeatedly with County planning staff and Supervisors to advocate for stronger, more credible draft CAP measures.
- Issued press releases and worked with media to support published news coverage of the CAP and its deficiencies.
- Published a series of “Fact Sheets” documenting CAP-related issues.
- Mobilized 350 members and others to write Supervisors and testify personally, advocating for specific CAP draft improvements.
What's next?
Join our Action Network team here to see what we're planning next!