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350 Sacramento recently hosted an online event with famous sci-fi author Kim Stanley Robinson who expanded our minds and imagination about the future. We are thrilled that leading science fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson joined us again on June 11th 2020, when the award-winning author spoke about climate change, coronavirus, and the new world that is emerging out of this historic moment.  Many will remember that KSR was our featured speaker at a 2015 town hall event 350 Sacramento hosted at Sacramento City College. Kim Stanley Robinson came back in these pandemic and continuing socially unjust times to share his deep thoughts and insight in the rapidly changing world around us.

“What felt impossible has become thinkable. The spring of 2020 is suggestive of how much, and how quickly, we can change as a civilization”—from Kim Stanley Robinson’s recent article  The Coronavirus is Rewriting Our Imaginations.

A full audio recording of the event is available here.

A recent Climate Report radio program also had excerpts from the event.

Written by Dale Steele