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Sacramento is safer today –

Benicia City Council kills oil train project!

Last night the Benicia City Council voted to reject the Valero oil train project that would have brought almost a train a day of explosive toxic oil through Sacramento.

350 Sacramento has been working to stop this project for over 3 years, writing letters, testifying at hearings, organizing rallies and marches, signing petitions, and generally raising the alarm. Thanks to the efforts of people in Sacramento and all over the Bay Area, we won!!!

A big thank you to the Benicia City Council, which stood up to huge pressure and big money from the oil industry to side with common sense and people over profit.

We need to savor this victory. However, Sacramento is still not safe from oil trains. The Phillips 66 project in San Luis Obispo is still a threat to Sacramento, which has a hearing on Thursday.

Please join 350 Sacramento as we continue to work to keep fossil fuels in the ground and take the steps necessary to transition to a sustainable fossil-free future. Thank you for all you do to achieve those vital goals.