• 350 Sacramento CAP team logo

    Strong CAP Petition Sent to Supervisors

    We’ve now sent each Sac County Supervisor a 350 Sacramento Petition endorsed by their constituent and with most sent from a District resident. The Petitions ask the Supervisors to make sure the County adopts a strong Climate Action Plan (CAP), consistent with the County’s Climate Emergency Declaration and fully exercising the County’s authority to reduce […]

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  • Volunteer Highlight: The Climate Report Radio Show

    Written by Dale S. Did you know that the Climate Report has been a weekly community radio show for 350 Sacramento for at least 6 years now? It was started back around 2015 by Steve S., a volunteer who started a 30-minute show with Access Sacramento. Steve needed some help managing recorded shows, so I […]

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  • Act now: Remind Senators that we are watching them on climate action

    In just a few days, Senators will be voting on a package that contains some key climate measures, including climate policies as well as programs for health care, education, immigration, and more. The Budget Reconciliation package and it may be our last, best chance to pass strong federal climate legislation for the next decade. Therefore, […]

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  • Volunteer Opportunity: Reaching out to our supporters – 2021 Phone Bank

    Written by Huck R. Hi, Everyone! This July, 350 Sacramento will be phone banking to reach out to our broad base of supporters. This is an extremely important part of our organization. It keeps our Sacramento community engaged, gives us more insight into the communities we serve so we can do better, and provides funding […]

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  • Rancho Cordova is writing a CAP, but we’re alarmed.

    Ranch Cordova is drafting a City climate action plan (CAP). CAPs allow future development to proceed without GHG-mitigation beyond that specified in the CAP, so can lead to environmental impacts, especially if the CAP’s measures are ineffective (learn more about CAPs). Draft CAPs are subject to State environmental review requirements – potential impacts must be […]

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  • Thunderous applause: City Council adopts New Building Electrification Ordinance

      Yesterday the Sacramento City Council adopted the New Building Electrification Ordinance! The Mayor and  Councilmembers Valenzuela, Guerra, Harris, Schenirer, Vang, and Jennings voted to adopt the ordinance. This means: Building permit applications filed on or after January 1, 2023, for newly constructed buildings that are three stories or less to be all-electric buildings. Building permit […]

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  • 350 Sacramento CAP team logo

    Sacramento County Residents – This is Why We Need You!

    Written by Oscar B. Sacramento County’s draft Climate Action Plan pays only lip service to the County’s strong Climate Emergency Declaration, ignores its direction, and fails to provide other credible measures.  The County won’t begin working on the Declaration’s 2030 carbon neutrality goal for at least three years! For specifics see this comparison of the CED and […]

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  • What’s a CAP?

    Written by Oscar B. Climate Action Plans (CAPs) are legally enforceable plans detailing how a jurisdiction will meet California’s climate goals. Currently, Sacramento County, Sacramento City, West Sacramento, and Rancho Cordova are developing or updating CAPS. Additionally, Citrus Heights, Elk Grove, and Galt have adopted CAPs in the past which should be updated regularly. Local […]

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  • Yes to electrifying new buildings

    ACTION ALERT: Let City Council know you want new buildings to be all-electric!

    Written by Kate W. **Update: The ordinance was adopted by City Council!** Show your support for the city’s ordinance to the phased-in mandate for all-electric new building construction, the opposition is fierce! On Tuesday 6/1, the Sacramento City Council will vote to adopt the new building electrification ordinance, one of the ‘Year One’ actions outlined […]

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  • 350 Sacramento CAP team logo

    Sac Co CAP – the Latest Ploy

    At a recent CAP stakeholders meeting, Sac County staff advised us they propose to submit the CAP for adoption as an “EIR-Addendum,” meaning the CAP would circumvent normal CEQA review for technical and legal adequacy. EIR addenda are used for minor changes to projects which were previously analyzed under CEQA, when the changes don’t affect […]

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