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With the Big Day of Giving coming up on Thursday, May 6, we wanted to highlight some of our accomplishments. And in highlighting our accomplishments, we’re highlighting our donors and volunteers. Because without the generous help of 350 Sacramento’s awesome donors and volunteers, we wouldn’t be the biggest climate-focused organization in Sacramento. Without you, we wouldn’t be able to work at all levels, including education, advocacy, direct action, local policy, statewide legislation, individual lifestyle changes, and so much more.

We have three main goals this year…

  1. Expand our staff
  2. Scale up our Student Environmental Activist Training program
  3. Amp up our Climate Action Plan team’s efforts

We’ll go into more details on our needs in another post (stay tuned). For now, we want to focus on the wins.

Our successes…

Youth Involvement

We designed a 10-week after-school Student Environmental Activist Training curriculum to empower middle and high school students. Youth, while worried about their future, are powerful and unstoppable!

Student Environmental Activist Training: We’re currently offering a 10-week afterschool Student Environmental Activist Training for middle and high school students who wish to learn more about climate justice, develop leadership skills, start environmental clubs in their schools, and use those skills to become climate activists.

350 Sacramento Group

Influencing Decision-makers

350 Sacramento Group 2After the Mayors’ Commission on Climate Change (of which 350 Sac was a member) released their recommendations, we continue to engage with decision-makers to implement those actions as quickly as possible. The Sacramento City Council passed a Climate Emergency Resolution and has identified and committed to climate actions, including hiring a Climate “Czar” to oversee city climate action, a Slow Streets pilot, Environmental Justice Governance Committee, and more!

10th Anniversary

In October 2020, we celebrated 10 full years with a 3-week party featuring speakers such as climate hero Bill McKibben, SMUD CEO Paul Lau, author Mary DeMocker, plus Ode to Earth performances, roundtables, and other fun activities.

Energy Effort

The SMUD Board unanimously passed a Climate Emergency Declaration and are exploring paths to get to zero carbon by 2030. We are excited and engaged in this effort.

Electrification Effort

In order to stop the use of fossil fuels, we need to electrify everything – buildings, transportation, etc. We are working with Sacramento to pass an electrification ordinance to ban natural gas lines for new developments and find ways to retrofit existing buildings.

Climate Action Plan

The county is finally working on their Climate Action Plan (CAP) after a 10 year delay. The County Board of Supervisors recently passed a Climate Emergency Resolution and we are engaged with them to create a robust equitable CAP.

350 Sacramento EventClimate Justice

We are building relationships with partners and allies to support myriad intersectional issues.

Two New Teams in 2021

Our two new teams this year are the Plastic Pollution Team and Labor/Green New Deal Team. Click the links to get involved today!

Early Career Environmentalist

Our very own Moiz Mir was awarded Early Career Environmentalist at the Environmental Council Of Sacramento’s (ECOS) Environmentalist of the Year Awards!

If you want to see even more of our accomplishments, check out our 2020 10th Anniversary page.

Written by 350 Sacramento volunteers